Bookish Update: February Reads and Book Hauls

My boys are on the autism spectrum and they have some sleep issues. Every now and then, they’d stay up for 20 hours and mess up our schedule. Our days consequently become upside down, and when this happens, one of the things I end up sacrificing is my writing time. Since I have a paidContinue reading “Bookish Update: February Reads and Book Hauls”

2024 Reading Challenge: January Wrap-up

January lasted a long time, but I’m still a little taken aback that it’s already February. I might as well tell you that my reading goal for the past few years has been to finish one book a week. That means 52 books in a year. I didn’t quite reach this mark last year. IContinue reading “2024 Reading Challenge: January Wrap-up”

New Series I’m Hoarding

Before my cousin gave me Sweet Valley Twins #4 (Choosing Sides) when I was nine years old, I was perfectly content with borrowing The Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew from the school library. That singular point in time involving a seemingly innocuous present, however, spurred one of my life passions: my personal library that IContinue reading “New Series I’m Hoarding”